Category: Surgery
RLE and Cataract Informational FREE DINNER
Posted in Anacortes, Bellingham, Cataracts, Contact lenses, Events, Eye-Opening, Medical, Mount Vernon, Optical, Practice News, Refractive Lens Exchange, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Surgery, Whidbey

Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 6:30-8:30pm Lorenzo’s Mexican Restaurant 221 Central St., Sedro-Woolley Speaker: Carlindo Pereira, MD Join us for a delicious dinner to learn more about refractive lens exchange (RLE) and cataract surgery. It promises to be a game-changer for your world of vision correction! Our own Carlindo Pereira, MD, keynote speaker and a leading expert in vision correction surgery,… Read More
Choosing a Lens for My Eye Surgery
Posted in Bellingham, Eye Blog, Medical, Mount Vernon, Refractive Lens Exchange, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Surgery, Whidbey

by Andrew Sumnicht MD I’m considering cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange (RLE) but there are too many options to consider for my lens choice. What lens should I pick? Having cataract surgery or RLE is a significant decision and you have finally decided to proceed. There seem to be so many ways to have… Read More
What is an Eye Emergency?
Posted in Bellingham, Eye Blog, Fluctuating Vision, Medical, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Surgery, Whidbey

Changes in vision are frightening. While some visual issues can be easily corrected with new glasses or contact lenses, other vision changes may require immediate medical attention. Educating yourself about a serious eye emergency is the first step in preventing vision loss. You may be wondering how to differentiate between symptoms that require immediate medical… Read More
Ophthalmologist Surgeon joins Cascadia Eye
Posted in Mount Vernon, Practice News, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Surgery

Cascadia Eye is pleased to introduce Andrew Sumnicht, MD, our newest expert ophthalmologist. Formerly at a large Seattle vision clinic, Dr. Sumnicht joins our local, independent practice starting in August. He is skilled at comprehensive medical eye care and specializes in cataract surgery, including complex cases with multifocal and toric lenses. Dr. Sumnicht is board-certified… Read More
How to Avoid Cataracts
Posted in Bellingham, Dry Eyes, Eye Blog, Eye-Opening, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Surgery, Whidbey

by Dan Siapco MD My retired partner and founder of Cascadia Eye, Nannette Crowell, always told her patients, “You will get cataracts if you live long enough.” Cataracts are a part of the aging process. You may find yourself with an operable cataract at an early age or, if you are an average American, at… Read More
Selecting Monovision for Cataract Surgery
Posted in Bellingham, Contact lenses, Eye Blog, Eye-Opening, Eyeglasses, Medical, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Surgery, Whidbey

By Dan Siapco, MD Monovision is a Proven Concept Cataract surgeons have strategically used the concept of monovision lenses with cataract surgeries for several decades now. It minimizes dependence on glasses, has proven to be extremely safe, and improves results for many patients. But what is monovision? What is Presbyopia? Before we proceed, you need… Read More
New Partner for Cascadia Eye
Posted in Bellingham, Events, Medical, Mount Vernon, Practice News, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Surgery, Whidbey

“I am delighted to be joining Cascadia Eye. I am passionate about restoring my patient’s sight and improving their quality of life. As you all know, I will be joining an amazing group of doctors and staff and I am excited to collaborate with Dr. Siapco, Dr. Pereira and the rest of the team to continue to provide… Read More
A Doctor’s View: What are Intravitreal Injections?
Posted in Eye Blog, Eye Exam, Fluctuating Vision, Medical, Surgery

By Charles Maddux, MD Intravitreal injections treat retinal disease: The retina is a layer of blood vessels and thin tissue in the back of the eye. It houses millions of light-sensitive cells called rods and cones, which read and relay information to the brain through the optical nerve, making vision possible. Intravitreal injections are used… Read More
My Cataract Surgery
Posted in Dry Eyes, Eye Blog, Fluctuating Vision, Medical, Surgery

Are you thinking about cataract surgery? We spoke to a patient, Teryl, who tells a little about what cataract surgery has done for her. Teryl describes what to expect from cataract surgery; her experience throughout the process, what made her choose to have surgery, what the testing, evaluation, and surgery were like, what she could… Read More
What is open angle glaucoma?
Posted in Bellingham, Dilating Eye Drops, Eye Blog, Eye Exam, Fluctuating Vision, Medical, Mount Vernon, Surgery, Whidbey

By Ernesto Golez MD What is open angle glaucoma and why is it knowing about it important to your eye health? We asked Ernesto Golez III our glaucoma specialist, to explain: What is “open angle” glaucoma? “Glaucoma is a group of diseases that cause damage to your optic nerves. This leads to progressive vision loss… Read More