MGD Treatment is Available in all Locations
Mount Vernon (Little Mountain Lane and Market Street), Sedro Woolley, Stanwood & Coupeville

If you suffer from dry eyes, you may very well have Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), a condition that affects the tear-producing glands in your eyelids. Cascadia Eye offers a quick, in-office MGD treatment which allows your medical professional to treat this condition. Patients are more comfortable, have improved life-long eye health and have better outcomes from cataract surgery with this treatment.
Dry Eye is common. And 86% of dry eye sufferers are reported to have clinical signs of MGD. That is over 30 million people in the U.S. (roughly the population of the state of Texas!)
What are Meibomian (Oil) Glands?
Meibomian glands are the tiny oil glands which line the margin of the eyelids. They secrete an oily substance known as meibum that coats the eye’s surface and keeps the water component of our tears from evaporating. This tear film lubricates and keeps the surface of our eyes healthy.

What exactly is MGD?
MGD, a leading cause of dry eye, is a condition caused when the tear glands are blocked and not secreting enough meibum, a lipid-rich secretion that protects the eyes from environmental factors and keeps tears from evaporating. Oil that does make it out of the glands can be crusty or abnormal, and can cause irritation.
In early stages, patients are often asymptomatic, but if left untreated, MGD can cause or exacerbate dry eye symptoms and eyelid inflammation. The oil glands will eventually become blocked and “die,” leaving your eyes feeling uncomfortable.
What does MGD feel like?

Stage 1 – May experience:
Sensitivity to light
Eyes that feel gritty
Painful or sore eyes
Blurred Vision
Poor Vision
Stages 2 & 3 – May have trouble:
Driving at night
Working on a computer
Watching TV
Stage 4 – Experience discomfort in:
Windy Conditions
Areas with low humidity
Areas that are air conditioned
Does Insurance Cover MGD treatment?
Unfortunately, insurance does not cover our in-house MGD treatments. However, because it has been proven to improve surgical outcomes, Cascadia Eye includes an MGD treatment with Toric and Presbyopic IOL surgeries.
Contact Cascadia Eye
If you would like to learn more, or if you would like to schedule an appointment or consultation with our talented doctors at Cascadia Eye, please contact us today. You may also pre-shop for glasses at our online pre-shopping page any time. Our entire team is committed to protecting and improving your vision and the health of your eyes. We are happy to answer any questions you might have!
In addition, join us on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube to ask your questions about eyes, exams, and our practice. We’d love to hear from you – and there might be a blog to address your questions in the future.