Your Eyes and Aging

As we age changes can occur that affect our eyesight. We may not be able to see as clearly as we used to, and colors may seem less vibrant than before. In particular, many of us experience loss of reading vision and other fine detail, necessitating reading glasses or other treatments. The key is to have annual eye examinations with an eye care specialist, who will be able to properly differentiate between natural processes and eye diseases that could potentially cause permanent vision damage.
Age-related vision problems
Virtually everyone will experience changes in their vision as they get older. Identifying problems in your vision can be important in order to maintain a better quality of life, as well as to avoid potential injuries (for example, trips or falls). Aging changes can mean that seeing in dim light or darkness becomes more difficult, colors can blend together or fade, or you might experience a lack of clarity and focus in your vision, especially up close. Although these causes are all part of the natural aging process, they can usually be treated or corrected after being diagnosed in an annual comprehensive eye exam.
Diseases of the eye
Diseases of the eye, including cataracts, macular degeneration, or glaucoma, can cause significant vision loss and are more common with age. All of these problems are most easily treated when caught early, so the best way to prevent permanent damage to your eyesight is to be seen regularly for an eye exam. Without visits to an eye care provider, these diseases can go undetected for years. Patients with glaucoma will not have any symptoms until damage has already been done.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help to prevent these diseases from developing or worsening. Furthermore, smoking can increase your risk for many of these diseases.
Protecting Your Eyesight
Have your eyes checked regularly. Depending on the cause of your vision loss, our team will be able to assist you in finding ways to correct, treat, or maintain your ability to see properly. See your doctor regularly to check for diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure. See an eye care professional right away if:
- Everything goes blank
- You see spots or flashes of light
- Experience double vision
- Have redness or swelling of your eye or eyelid
- You have eye pain
In order to preserve your eyesight, please schedule an appointment today for your annual eye exam. Our highly trained eye care specialists can help improve your eyesight and avoid damage to your vision so you can continue to enjoy life to the fullest!
Contact Cascadia Eye
If you would like to learn more, or if you would like to schedule an appointment or consultation with our talented doctors at Cascadia Eye, please contact us today. You may also pre-shop for glasses at our online pre-shopping page any time. Our entire team is committed to protecting and improving your vision and the health of your eyes. We are happy to answer any questions you might have!
In addition, join us on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube to ask your questions about eyes, exams, and our practice. We’d love to hear from you – and there might be a blog to address your questions in the future.