The Do’s & Don’ts of Glasses Cleaning
Posted in Eye Blog, Eyeglasses, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Whidbey

For many of us, cleaning glasses has become a vital part of daily life. Whether they are for function, fashion, or fun in the sun, we rely on our glasses for clear vision and eye protection. There is nothing more frustrating than waking up one day, putting on your trusty eyewear only to realize there are scratches right in the middle of your lenses! We at Cascadia Eye want to give you some helpful tips for keeping them in tip-top shape.

- Use running water/ spray to rinse dust and debris off your lenses.
- Use soft microfiber cleaning cloths to gently wipe lenses. Your wool sweater may be soft and cozy to you but it’s too abrasive for your glasses! Things like paper towels, facial tissues, and even terry cloth towels can cause micro scratches on your lenses.
- For particularly tough grease, place a small drop of dish detergent on the lens and gently rub it in, then rinse thoroughly and dry with a microfiber cleaning cloth.
- Wash your microfiber cloth often. This prevents it from collecting oils and particles that can damage your lenses.
- Come to your local Cascadia Eye office for cleaning supplies or professional cleaning by our optical staff. We are always happy to help.

- Use pre-moistened towelettes: available at big box stores, these wipes can be too abrasive for lenses and cause scratches. Some brands also use highly astringent cleaners that can eat away at lens coatings.
- Use harsh chemical cleaners: things like bleach, window cleaner, ammonia, and cleaners containing high levels of alcohol will damage lens coatings and often create a foggy appearance on lenses.
- Dry wiping lenses: when dust and debris is on the lens it is always best to either spray with cleaner or run under water to prevent dragging those small particles across the lens, causing scratches. The moisture acts as a buffer, lifting the dust off the surface of the lens and allowing it to be wiped away without damaging your eyewear.
- Wash your microfiber cloths with fabric softeners: fabric softeners coat the fibers of the cloth with an oily/ waxy substance that prevents the cloth from effectively removing smudges and schmutz. In fact, it can smear this waxy coating on your lenses, making them harder to clean.
- Try to buff out scratches: cleaning glasses this way will only further damage them and change the power of the prescription. Unfortunately, once a lens is scratched there is nothing to do but replace it.
- Leave your glasses in the car- exposure to heating and cooling (like when your car sits in the sun all day) can cause damage to the lens called “crazing”, which causes spiderweb like cracks that cause glare and a foggy appearance.
Please remember, glasses are not meant to last forever. Your glasses go through your daily life with you, being exposed to the elements, accidents, and time. It is always best practice to update your lenses when you get a new prescription to keep your vision as clear as possible.
By Ivy Moniz, Optician
Contact Cascadia Eye
If you would like to learn more, or if you would like to schedule an appointment or consultation with our talented doctors at Cascadia Eye, please contact us today. You may also pre-shop for glasses at our online pre-shopping page any time. Our entire team is committed to protecting and improving your vision and the health of your eyes. We are happy to answer any questions you might have!
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