A Doctor’s View: A New Prescription Eye Drop for Blurry Vision
Posted in Bellingham, Eye Blog, Medical, Optical
By Roslyn Howell, OD
July 7, 2022

There is a new prescription eye drop on the market–the first eye drop ever to be FDA approved for the treatment of presbyopia (blurry near vision after age 40). If you find yourself needing to hold text further away or you need reading glasses, you may have heard of this new eye drop, Vuity, and are wondering if it will work for you.
How Does Vuity Work?
Vuity is pilocarpine solution 1.25% and has been used for decades to treat glaucoma. You use the drop once a day with one drop in each eye in the morning. About 15 minutes later the effects should start to kick in and last up to six hours.
This new drop works to correct near vision by causing your pupil to constrict, which is the opposite of a dilation drop that you receive at your eye exam. This smaller pupil creates a pinhole effect in a similar way that squinting can clear up your vision–it increases your depth of field.

Who is a good candidate for Vuity eye drops?
Vuity is recommended for people between the ages of 40 to 55. It has not been tested on anyone over 55. If you need contacts or glasses to see well in the distance, you are still a candidate for Vuity for your short vision. However, you will likely still need your glasses or contacts to see distance. I have some patients that love Vuity and it works great for them, however some that do not feel like it works well for their vision.
What are the side effects of Vuity eye drops?
The most common side effects of Vuity are eye redness and headaches. Less common are irritation and eye pain. Rare side effects are retinal detachments or eye inflammation (irits). People that are at risk for retinal detachments or iritis are not good candidates for this drop.
Because Vuity works by constricting your pupil, less light is entering your eye and it may be difficult to see in dim environments such as night driving.
How do I Get a Prescription for Vuity eye drops?
First you will need a comprehensive eye exam from your eye doctor. They can discuss your options, and if you are a good candidate, your doctor will send a prescription to your pharmacy. Insurance does not cover Vuity and it costs about $80 for one bottle that lasts about a month with daily use.
To learn more, visit the Vuity website HERE.
Contact Cascadia Eye
If you would like to learn more, or if you would like to schedule an appointment or consultation with our talented doctors at Cascadia Eye, please contact us today. You may also pre-shop for glasses at our online pre-shopping page any time. Our entire team is committed to protecting and improving your vision and the health of your eyes. We are happy to answer any questions you might have!
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